how do you know it was a scowl ?
she might have been smiling.
yesterday i got home from work and decided to buy a case of beer because, why not?
it’s monday.
the shop is conveniently round the corner from my place.
marches, sit ins, traffic blocking is the new normal for people to demonstrate.
they block highways, state buildings and roadways.
they may even get arrested but invariably get turned loose by the courts.. i think it’s disgraceful to demonstrate this way.
glueing themselves to lamposts --? sounds like fun
just leave them there--to freeze.
at one assembly(tm), i was asked to relate an 'experience(tm)' which i did.
however, during rehearsals, the geezer in charge elder or co or some such title, told me that i shouldn't tell it the way it was.
i did a 're-enactment(tm)' with another 'brother(tm)'.
when my first wife (born in ) and i got married--1968--we had our honeymoon at a district assembly in sheffield UK ( i 'shit you not).
for some reason we were sent to the publicity dept--who wanted to know our story and where we lived...and took photos of us.
when we returned home our photo was in the local weekly newspaper--with our story--totally ficticious--quotes from me i never said.
i was only young but i do remember ken and his wife (valentina) being our co. he was a mountain of a man but it would appear from the bbc obituary he was a man of peace. .
olympic wrestler and actor who became the last of the men who struck the symbolic j. arthur rank movie gong has died aged 80. .
I was born balsall heath road and lived there till i was 9 years old. My mother was doorstepped about that time. Family then moved to the other side of brum..handsworth side!. A few years later mum started to attend meetings at hockley congregation..later to become winson green. By then i was in west bromwich churchfields cong.
I remember greek cypriot andrew kafetsis..was cong overseer at hockley. His brother was at sparkhill? I think.
have you ever reinstate somebody even if they are not that repentant?.
i was only young but i do remember ken and his wife (valentina) being our co. he was a mountain of a man but it would appear from the bbc obituary he was a man of peace. .
olympic wrestler and actor who became the last of the men who struck the symbolic j. arthur rank movie gong has died aged 80. .
they used to stay at my parents house in birmingham (UK) for the circuit visit. i met him a couple of times. like a lot of circuit /district types-they were different out of the public eye. good actors.
ok, to start, i no longer believe the scriptures are inspired.
may be some writers were influenced but that does not mean all what they wrote was correct.
does this mean there is no creator?
what if you stop worrying about what might have happened millions of years ago---and get on with enjoying your life today and tomorrow.
at least this former kh in bradford will help house someone with a disability because it is all on the flat.
plans to convert former church in great horton into house are approved | bradford telegraph and argus.
this is what my children tell me... get over the whole jehovah's witness thing!
yes, they tell me they have gotten over the whole thing and they tell me that and i need to also.
my exgirl friend who was raised as a jw also has said the same thing.. my children say they got over it, however they are quick to point out how messed up their lives are now because of no college education and other missed opportunities.
we brits are being bombarded with facts and speculation about the horrific consequences of either corbin or johnson getting into power .
another thread has discussed the anti-semitic leanings ( or not ) of corbin .
what do people think about the left's claims that boris would sell off the nhs ,only this morning l saw a post on fb saying that " america is demanding full access to nhs records " it has been pointed out by a political reporter on the bbc that the talks that the papers were leaked about happened before johnson became pm and these were just things that have been put on the negotiating table by the usa .